Upstox Brokerage Calculator

Upstox Brokerage Calculator is a widely used tool to calculate brokerage charges, exchange transaction charges, STT, DP charges, GST, SEBI charges, and stamp duty charges online. By having a clear understanding of different types of charges along with the brokerage, you can easily determine your future course of action.

You can also compare and calculator brokerage charges for Future, Option, Equity, and Intraday trade categories.

How to Use Upstox Brokerage Calculator:

  1. Choose the right financial instrument in which the trading would be done including equity, currency, and commodity. After this, choose the category such as equity delivery, intraday, futures, or options.
  2. Now, pick the exchange on which the trade would be executed
  3. Now, enter the buying and selling price at which the trading would be done
  4. Enter the quantity of shares or lot size that you want to buy or sell
  5. After entering these details, click on “Calculate Brokerage”. This would provide you a comprehensive brokerage calculation table.
  6. Brokerage charge: This refers to the amount charged by the broker to perform your trades.
  7. STT: This refers to the tax charged against the sale of securities. It differs given the exact type of trade.
  8. Transaction charges: Fees submitted against the usage of the stock exchange.
  9. GST: Tax on brokerage and transaction charges.
  10. SEBI charges: Charges levied by SEBI for the purchase and sale of securities.
  11. Stamp duty: This refers to the government tax on security trading. It differs from one state to another.
Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Profit & Loss ₹ 00.00
Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Net Debit ₹ 00.00
Turnover ₹ 00.00
Brokerage Charges ₹ 00.00
Exchange Transaction Charges ₹ 00.00
STT ₹ 00.00
DP Charges / Clearing Charges ₹ 00.00
GST ₹ 00.00
SEBI Charges ₹ 00.00
Stamp Duty Charges ₹ 00.00
Total Charges ₹ 00.00
Net Credit ₹ 00.00

How is Upstox brokerage calculated?

Upstox brokerage is calculated using the following equation:

Brokerage = Number of shares sold/bought x Price of one unit of stock x brokerage percentage/flat rate.


  • Number of shares sold/bought: This denotes the quantity of shares that are bought or sold.
  • Price of one unit of stock: The price of one share.
  • Brokerage percentage/flat rate: Choose from 5Paisa’s percentage-based and flat-rate brokerage schemes.

Brokerage charges of Upstox

Brokerage Upstox
Brokerage Plan Standard Plan
Subscription Charges Zero
Equity Delivery Rs.20 per Trade or 2.5%, whichever is low
Equity Intraday Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)
Equity Future Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)
Equity Option Rs.20 per Trade
Commodity Future Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)
Commodity Option Rs.20 per Trade
Currency Future Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)
Currency Option Rs.20 per Trade
DP Charges Rs.18.5 per Scrip only on Sell

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the brokerage subscription charges at Upstox?
The brokerage subscription charges at Upstox are Zero.

What are the brokerage charges for equity delivery trades at Upstox?
The brokerage charges for equity delivery trades at Upstox are Rs.20 per Trade or 2.5%, whichever is low

What are the brokerage charges for equity intraday trades at Upstox?
The brokerage charges for equity intraday trades at Upstox are Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)

What are the brokerage charges for equity futures trades at Upstox?
The brokerage charges for equity futures trades at Upstox are Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low)

What are the brokerage charges for equity options trades at Upstox?
The brokerage charges for equity options trades at Upstox are Rs.20 per Trade.

What are the brokerage charges for commodity futures trades at Upstox?
The brokerage charges for commodity futures trades at Upstox are Rs.20 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low).

Lamfindia specializes in offering innovative financial solutions, including stock broker services, mutual fund investments, and IPO guidance.