Alice Blue Brokerage Calculator is a widely used tool to calculate brokerage charges, exchange transaction charges, STT, DP charges, GST, SEBI charges, and stamp duty charges online. By having a clear understanding of different types of charges along with the brokerage, you can easily determine your future course of action.
You can also compare and calculator brokerage charges for Future, Option, Equity, and Intraday trade categories.
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Profit & Loss | ₹ 00.00 |
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Net Debit | ₹ 00.00 |
Turnover | ₹ 00.00 |
Brokerage Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Exchange Transaction Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
STT | ₹ 00.00 |
DP Charges / Clearing Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
GST | ₹ 00.00 |
SEBI Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Stamp Duty Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Total Charges | ₹ 00.00 |
Net Credit | ₹ 00.00 |
Alice Blue brokerage is calculated using the following equation:
Brokerage = Number of shares sold/bought x Price of one unit of stock x brokerage percentage/flat rate.
Brokerage | Alice Blue |
Brokerage Plan | Standard Plan |
Subscription Charges | Zero |
Equity Delivery | Rs.15 per Trade or 0.05% (Whichever is Low) |
Equity Intraday | Rs.15 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low) |
Equity Future | Rs.15 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low) |
Equity Option | Rs.15 per Trade |
Commodity Future | Rs.15 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low) |
Commodity Option | Rs.15 per Trade |
Currency Future | Rs.15 per Trade or 0.05% (whichever is low) |
Currency Option | Rs.15 per Trade |
DP Charges | Rs.15 per Scrip on Sell |
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